Saturday, February 13, 2010

2 new members!!

We have 2 new members to our team!! Dadsythe2 and Gaminggod400! Dadsythe2 will be an Admin and Gamingod400 will be a Vidmaster. Like it says in the member page, Gaming will post videos and blog posts, but he cannot edit anything. Dadsy can edit at free will and post videos. Again, congrats you two!!

The Influent Films team!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hi guys, this is Influent films, started by .influence. a.k.a literealm. We are a group of people, who make tutorials of all kinds. Whether it would be Halo, Gears of War, Pirated software (lol), or just a quick how-to! Please subscribe to us and enjoy our videos!